Chef Eve Clulow, LLC
It is my mission to provide my clients with fresh, quality and nutritious meals in the comfort of their own homes.

How the Service Works  

How Does A Personal Chef Service Work?

Once you decide you want to explore the possibility of using a personal chef, you would call and make an appointment with me, and I would come to your home to meet with you one-on-one. This way I can learn what you like to eat and how you like to eat, whether you have any medical situations that need to be addressed, whether you have any allergies or food sensitivities, or whether there are certain foods you just don't like (they'll never cross your threshold), and if you want a low-fat or low-sodium program, or you are on a specific diet program, that's no problem. All you need to do is tell me what you want.

Armed with this information, I will customize menus for you that reflect these guidelines and assist you in selecting an initial set of entrees for your first cooking date. On an agreed upon date, I will come to your home with my own pots, pans and cooking utensils, and your groceries purchased fresh that morning. I will prepare your meals in the safety of your own kitchen, package and label your meals, and leave you instructions on what to do in order to enjoy them at the peak of their flavor and leave your kitchen clean.

“Why, then the world's mine oyster. Which I with sword will open.”

William Shakespeare

organic produce     

Chef Eve Clulow LLC. • 24C Naromake Avenue • Norwalk, Ct 06854
• 203.952.4345